11-17 N Main

Faulkenberry’s ad, 1928

McWilliams Store opens, 1934

Sam Brimhall Store opens, 1936

Hunt’s Ad, 1957

Hunts yearbook ad – 1961

Hunt’s yearbook ad – 1963

Carselowey Agency door, 2nd floor, Mabon building

Drawers at the Carselowey Agency 11 1/2 N Main location, probably unopened since the early 60’s.

Younger’s Studio, 2nd floor, Mabon building

Younger’s Studio, still in business in 1957
More scenes from Younger’s Studio

Scenes from the Elks/IOOF Hall on the third floor of the Mabon building. Though the plaster has crumbled, the building is dry and in excellent structural shape.

Formerly windows, these openings were bricked up after the Millner-Berkey fire next door in 1948. That fire nearly took the Mabon building with it.

Writing on the wall directing Oddfellows members to the hall on the third floor

The Mabon Shop ad, 1938

Palmer’s Mabon Shop ad, 1954

Vance’s Ad, 1960

Clara’s Alteration Shop, Located Inside Gray’s Tot Shop, 1965

Simon’s Credit Jewelers ad, 1947