19-25 South Main

21 South Main, 1949

Stites & Holmes Grocery, formerly Marr’s, 1935

Jolley Furniture ad, 1941

Miami Firestone store ad, 1942

Leon, we hardly knew ye. Going out of business sale in 1957

Wellman’s ad, 1960

Jeannie’s yearbook ad – 1966

Jeannie’s Ad, 1966

Louis Price Department Store’s original location, 1930

Bob’s Jewelry, advertising at 25, but actually residing at 23, as this ad describes.

Miami Jewelry Is Born, 1955. Despite advertising at 25 S main, it was actually located at 23 S Main, north of the theater entrance.

Article announcing the opening of the Glory B on October 12, 1917

WL Dumas in the Glory B projection room

Article Describing the Reopening of the Remodeled Glory B Theater in 1947

1936 view of the Glory B

Martin’s News Stand ad, 1938

Miami Theater, then closed, as seen about 1965

Miami Theater and Wellman’s in 1965

Miami Theater in 1964, note Ander’s Shoes next door.

Rear view of Glory B/Miami Theater in 1965