Mrs. Annie Green’s brand new building, 1909

Wilson Paint and Wallpaper, late 40’s

Wilson Paint and Wallpaper, late 40’s

Wilson Paint & Wallpaper, about 1965

Wilson Paint and Wallpaper, 1965

View of rear of 102 N Main

Wilson Paint & Wallpaper yearbook ad – 1960

Wilson Paint & Wallpaper yearbook ad – 1961

Benge Cleaners business location, out of business by the time this 1964 picture was taken

Arkansas Building, 108 N Main, 1965

108 N Main, Arkansas Building, 1965

Rear view of Arkansas Building, 108 N Main

Floyd Botts bio, January 5, 1958

Botts Wholesale tobacco cutter, early 20th century

Botts Wholesale yearbook ad – 1960

Botts Wholesale yearbook ad – 1961

Botts Wholesale yearbook ad – 1963

Underwood Studios – 1961