The Jackson Drug Co. building went in about 1918. Its second story was used as overflow rooming for the Hotel Miami, which was completed by 1919.
Rollup door leading to the Hotel Miami from the Jackson drug building
Detail of stenciled paint on hallway walls
Room in the second floor of the Jackson Drug building
Hex tile in room bathroom at Jackson Drug building
Each room had its own restroom, that was early 20th century luxury!
Room wallpaper
Old fan upstairs, Jackson Drug bldg
Store furniture, possibly from Ramsay’s
Roof area, Jackson Drug bldg
Window or awning cranks
Public restroom, upstairs Jackson Drug bldg.
Open foyer area, Jackson Drug second floor
Freight elevator, Jackson Drug bldg
Huge gas pole lights, formerly mounted on the canopy in front of the building
Peeling wallpaper upstairs at Jackson Drug bldg