Carselowey Agency door, 2nd floor, Mabon building
Carselowey Insurance was located at the Mabon Building from 1959 until some time before 1965.

Carselowey Agency door, 2nd floor, Mabon Building

Drawer at the Carselowey Agency 11 1/2 N Main location, probably unopened since the early 60’s.

Drawer at Carselowey Insurance, Mabon Building

Drawer at Carselowey Insurance, Mabon Building

Drawer at Carselowey Insurance, Mabon Building

Younger’s Studio, 2nd floor, Mabon building
Younger’s Studio was at 210 E Central in 1919. By 1925, they had moved here. They still advertised in 1957, an impressive run of at least 38 years in business in Miami.

More scenes from Younger’s Studio

Elks/IOOF Lodge, 3rd floor, Mabon Building
These two bricked-up openings were once windows. The bricks went in after the Millner-Berkey fire next door in 1948. That fire nearly took the Mabon with it.

Writing on the wall directing Oddfellows members to the hall on the third floor

Mabon second floor apartment bathroom

Typical early 20th century light fixture: a switched socket on a cord

View from the third floor of the Mabon building