Trussler Services: Sticking to It

Miami Businesses

Charley Doan was born in 1882. By 1900, he had opened up a tin shop, one of several that he would own during his lifetime. By 1927, Doan’s Radiator and Tin Shop was open at 18 SE A.

As the years went by, Doan set his eyes on retirement. On November 20, 1947, he sold out to Irvin “Red” Smith. Doan sought out a partner, nephew Charles Trussler, and opened Doan & Trussler Radiator & Tin Shop that year.

In 1954, the business changed its name to Trussler Sheet Metal. Phil Trussler started working for his father in the business as a teenager in the mid-50s. He graduated from Oklahoma State University School of Technical Training at Okmulgee in 1962 in Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning. In 1974, he opened up his own business: Trussler Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning.

Flash forward to 2018. Trussler Service Company is still in business, having survived the post-Goodrich economic turmoil of Miami. Phil is 78 years old at the time of this article, and is still going strong.

Miami has survivors like Phil Trussler, and that’s essential as it slowly gets back on economic solid ground and begins returning to the prosperity of the Goodrich years. Here’s to you, Trussler Service.

Articles outlining the history of Doan’s Radiator and Tin Shop, which eventually became Trussler Service

Articles about Doan & Trussler Sheet Metal & Radiator

Phil Trussler and his parents, 1949

Trussler’s yearbook ad, 1963



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